Top Stage Lighting Ideas You Should Know

Top Stage Lighting Ideas You Should Know

 All the beginners, while doing stage lighting are often confused about using various stage lighting options. They have no idea if rigs are best or fresnels, or gobos. Well, that’s natural because starting for everything as a novice is always difficult because we have a lot to know, study, and understand. Here are some tips and top ideas for stage lighting that you would love to know:

Understand The Space And Size Of Area:
Well, before understanding the stuff, time, and money you need for stage lighting you need proper idea about the space in which lighting is required to do. The bigger is space, the more convenience you have to use area for decorative lighting. However, for bigger-area-stage decoration, you need more money as you have to buy more lights and need more people to implement them. On the other hand, for smaller stages, you will have less space to use your talent and ideas but the price for such stage would be cost effective. Smaller stage is like small canvases and bigger stage is the big canvas for bigger areas.

Choosing Between the Lights:
As there are various sorts of lights available so you have to decide what type of light you need for stage lighting. If you are decorating the stage for some concert or dance show, dancing lights will be good and for kids’ birthday celebration, decorate your stage with play lights. There are various other options as well. Now, it is according to the nature of the party. It is not necessary that you use only one type of light; in fact, select as many light types as you want.

Decide For Buying Stuff or Renting Out:
All types of lights like rigs, fresnels, gobos, and neon lights are available in markets on rental or sale basis. It is up to you that you want to purchase the lights or rent them out. It also depends upon your pocket and requirement.  Such as, if you are planning to be a professional stage lighting agent, you can go for the option of buying the lights as you will require these lights every now and then. Contrary to this, if you are using these lights for project and need this only once, then renting them out would be better because, after this time, these will be of no use for you.

Placing the Lights:
Now for light placement, the best idea is to make everything looking brighter because the brighter means the beautiful. So, try to place lights in a way that everything looks lively and lovely. However, don't forget to keep some dim places for unique romantic-couples photography effects. This thing will make your guests feel amazing. You can also take help from some video tutorials online according to the nature of the event you are decorating stage for.
By using all the above mentioned, you will surely be able to decorate and design an amazing stage for the event.  


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