Stage Lighting Color Combination

Stage Lighting Color Combination

 What color should use on the stage? Color may be the most powerful of all lighting tools. No matter on the stage or the world around you, color has always been affecting you. A beautiful blue sky, or a red scene in a metal concert touches your emotions with color.

Although it seems simple to say that "color" is used by feeling, we also want to provide you with some standard lighting. In this article, learn about the types of color schemes and how to make them look great. Below, some of the scenarios for how different colors should be matched are listed.

How to play in the band performance
When lighting a band, it usually covers four stage areas (band members, banners behind the band/overhang/banner, backlight, audience). There are differences between the different types, but the color alone has no place in the band lighting. For pop singers, country music and rock and roll singers, the lead singers are generally white when they sing, so that they can communicate well with the audience.

They will make gestures and eye contact with the audience, and this time they need to make the audience see his every move. For metal, or other exciting music, there is not much restriction, and there is no need to use white light to illuminate the singer throughout the performance.

Determine what kind of light you should use based on the musical emotion. When the singer chooses to play white light during the middle of singing, this will enable the audience to obtain a good visual sense from the intense musical color and allow the aesthetic to rest. Of course, you can also color the white part of the stage for a certain visual impact. But most of all, let the colors define the stage.

How to light in EDM/DJ
Compared to other types of performances, in DJs and EDMs, lighting should focus on the audience. The only time you need to use white light in a DJ/EDM scenario is when you are focusing on someone. Whether it is a special guest on the dance floor for the bride or the audience, white always stands out.

What do you do with the next program? Try to use as many colors as you can. In the DJ world, there is nothing in the restricted area, so put your energy to paint the walls, ceiling, dance floor, and air.

In the theater

Learn to use color to highlight the emotions of the characters on the stage. Usually, we would like to use a white headlamp to face the actor, but we can try to change the space by adding some light shades to the white. In traditional dramas, you may only insist on using dark colors in scene designs and backdrops. However, in musicals, you can add color when appropriate - especially in songs.


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